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Aim Born Champions Children Africa (ABCCA) seeks to ensure that all children are protected from all forms of exploitation, neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse through effective national and community based child protection systems.


Child protection is a key component of our programs. It cuts across all our project implementation and advocacy initiatives.

ABCCA focuses mainly on the following:


  • Establishing and strengthening Community Based Child protection Systems.


  • Conducting community dialogue meetings on Child protection.


  • Supporting child protection clubs and other child-led activities in the community and in schools.


  • Empowering children to understand their rights and responsibilities as well as creating platforms for them to demand for their rights from duty bearers.


  • Educating parents on existing child protection policies, their roles in child upbringing and ensure child protection is mainstreamed in services delivery.


  • Working with child protection providers and stakeholders such as police, local council leaders, heads of schools, religious leaders, cultural and opinion leaders to establish and strengthen referral path ways of child protection right from the lower local councils up to district probation offices.


  • Supporting survivors to access legal redress from established government structures and provide psychosocial support to the survivors and their families.


  • Working with child care institutions to ensure separated children are reunified and supported to harmoniously stay under the care of their parents or relatives in a safe home environment.


  • Striving towards addressing factors that commonly lead to separation such as domestic violence, child neglect, harassment and household poverty through household economic empowerment.


  • Conducting experience sharing meetings, mentorship and home visits to enhance positive parenting.

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