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We do policy advocacy at community based level. Our core interventions under advocacy are;


  1. Policy analysis and advocacy:  We identify service delivery gaps with critical evidence from the communities, document reviews, use of key informants and systems or structure assessment findings.Gathered evidence is well documented, packaged and presented to the duty bearers for their information and action. We closely work with the Sub counties and district line departments and the policy makers both at sub county and district levels. These serve as our duty bearers. ABCCA does follow ups on identified and presented advocacy issues to the duty bearers until commitments are made and fulfilled towards improved service delivery.

  2. Social service system strengthening:  We do systems assessments and identify gaps affecting quality service delivery.  Standardized tools in line with Local government service delivery policies are used during the assessments.  We among other things assess service delivery structures, personnel, services offered, management and administration.  Findings from the assessments inform prioritization of issues to be presented to the duty bearers for their information and action towards improved service delivery.  Continued follow ups are made with the duty bearers to ensure that they make commitments and fulfil them. 

  3. Community empowerment: We empower communities to demand for improved quality, availability and accessibility of health and other social services in the communities.  This is done through community awareness of their health and other social service rights and responsibilities to be able to prioritize issues as action plans to the respective duty bearers for their information and action. ABCCA’s entry point into the communities is through identification and engagement with existing and functional community groups such as Village Saving and Loans Associations (VSLA), Village Health Teams (VHTs), Women’s groups, youth groups, PLHIV Networks, fathers’ unions with guidance from Sub county authorities.  Capacity of these groups is built to ensure that they do effective advocacy which is evidence based.  The groups are supported to meet monthly to identify gaps in service delivery and come up with action plans for duty bearer engagements.  These groups are empowered to take lead at organizing functional public forums where citizens in the communities are greatly mobilized to participate in a platform where respective duty bearers are engaged to respond to issues that affect service delivery in their communities.  As a result of community empowerment interventions, ABCCA has seen communities in the area of operation so empowered to demand for improved services such as sustained HIV/TB drugs, availability of comprehensive health services and interventions to curb increased school dropouts in schools.  This has increased duty bearers accountability to the communities unlike before.

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